Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Script by David Lapham
Illustrated by Rafael Ortiz
Avatar Press
The Dude abides; Dan takes that further yet.
He can't be hurt or bothered any way.
The beatings he can take? Worst those can get!
Like unto superheroes, one might say.
But Dan here likes it seedy, just wants slack,
And woe to those who bring him to the end
Of patience. Looks like Zappa, takes no flak,
Has learned how to make do with just one friend,
A toothbrush and some Melvins. Avatar,
You've got me hooked on wrong again, you sick
And lovely bastards. Comics crusty, far
Too smelly, violent and simply thick
With awesome. Lapham's got another hit.
And as for Ortiz, he is just the *spit*.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Stories by: Brian Clevinger
Art by Ryan Cody, Yuko Oda, Chris Houghton, John Broglia & Joshua Ross
Banana oil! Five stories in one book
All set in Robo's wacky world! My one
Complaint is that they're all too short, but look
One tale is Dr. Dinosaurs, more fun
Than I can here describe. It's fun to see
New illustrators, though I do miss Scott.
Amusing, too, to see one with Bruce Lee.
There's one as well which has no Robo plot,
"To Kill a Sparrow" -- spies in World War II
In Vichy France -- but there, of course, is room
For him to come in any time. Then you
Have one, uncolored, in which all goes boom
Aboard a wizard's rocket. But the best
By far is the velociraptor's jest.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Script by: Kurtis J. Wiebe
Illustrated by: Tyler Jenkins
Image Comics
French orphans caught in Calais: World War Two
Had many tragedies, but ne'er before
Could children fly away from Nazis! You
May find it strange, as I do, but there's more:
For Peter Pan's American, tracking down
A girl he once new long ago and lost.
She's somewhere in the Nazi-ridden town
And he shall find her at whate'er the cost!
No sign of Captain Hook as yet; we must
Be patient. All is drawn in pleasing style,
Though Peter's hair's distracting. Pixie dust?
I had anticipated this a while
And I am glad to see that it's as good
As I'd been hoping. More please, if you would!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Hoax Hunters #0
Story by: Michael Moreci & Steve Seeley
Illustrated by: J.M. Ringuet
Image Comics
An astronaut who's made of crows? Okay...
Amuck in Russia? Well, of course, I mean
Where else would that thing be? Which is to say
Hoax Hunters has got my attention. Scene
By scene, we're taken through a world in which
Some TV hosts check claims, but what they do
For real is cover up -- a bait-and-switch --
Cry "hoax" on stuff that turns out to be true,
And clean it up. The characters are thin
As yet, but show potential. Men in Black
Meet Mythbusters! So for now, count me in.
The premise is too fun. So guys, don't slack
Keep up like this and I'll keep reading. Bring
The sasquatch on next, would ya? That's the thing.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Script by: Mike Mignola & John Arcudi
Illustrated by: James Harren
Dark Horse Comics
By far my favorite B.R.P.D.
Is Abe. An action hero of the deep,
On land he's not too shabby either. We
Could do worse than have this James Harren keep
On drawing him, all ropy muscle and
Cheekbones. This book is humorless, but that
Does not mean that it isn't fun. I've scanned
Less gorgeous gore and ichor. For all that
He's come to a deserted house to meet
An old occultist's son, it's no surprise
The story goes all Lovecrafty. 'Tis sweet,
But nothing new. No, Harren takes the prize
For making this an issue that I'd share.
So tell me, how'd those maggots get in there?
Friday, August 24, 2012
Script by: Brian Churilla
Illustrated by: Brian Churilla
Oni Press
Such fun it is to mess with people's minds!
And when there's profit in it, who'd resist
The chance to do it? Other recent finds
Have played upon this theme. But here's a twist
(There always is one): D.B. Cooper, famed
For hijacking a plane and jumping off
Worked for the CIA! They are not named
As yet, but it seems likely. Those who scoff
At such conspiracies perhaps should pass,
But if you did, you would be missing out
On dazzling art. This book is quite a gas!
That I've seen nothing yet I have no doubt;
Churilla gives good comic, ev'ry time.
I'm hypnotized and babbling through this rhyme.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Script by Evan Dorkin
Illustrated by Jill Thompson
Dark Horse Comics
Who doesn't crave some cuteness now and then?
Throw in some funny, and what could it be
But Beasts of Burden! This is one which, when
I read it, leaves me wanting more. Here three
Short stories of brave dogs and kittehs who
Fight evil are presented. They take on
A chicken-stealing goblin, then into
The past they go: a mastiff fights the spawn
Of rooster and reptile, a basilisk,
Blindfolded, yea, and following his nose!
Last undead sheep bring on a sense of risk
In one of our pup friends, force him to close
His eyes and take a rest. O Evan, Jill,
This book of yours is such a pretty thrill!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Script by Mark Kidwell
Illustrated by Nate Van Dyke & Jay Fotos
Image Comics
A lone survivor deep within the bush
Has gone commando, but inside his head
Sound orders from the man who led the push.
This boy believes it's his fault sarge is dead,
But still a menace in the jungle. Jim
Is now a zombie seargent, but his gear
Defends another now. Just look at him!
This comic's long on gore, if not on fear,
And plenty coarse, befitting an insane
And violent premise. Now that it's a thing,
This zombie/Vietnam concoction, fain
It look as good as this, please, if a string
Of others must appear. A little bit
Is fine, but too much and I'll start to spit.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Script by Paul Cornell
Illustrated by Ryan Kelly
DC Vertigo
Oh lord, so much potential page by page!
To start with, our main character's a dame
I'd like to see in real life, in this age
Of politics and spite, unwanted fame
Looks promising (Ex Machina, but more!),
Her staff all fascinating, smart and bent --
Not one of them a type, not one a bore.
Well maybe one's a type, but we shall see.
She's governor right now, New Mexico,
Divorced, hispanic, and an abductee --
So is she running on her own? We know
She has been told that she belongs to them,
But is that so? This book seems like a gem.
Monday, August 20, 2012
CHEW #20
CHEW #20
Script by John Layman
Illustratoed by Rob Guillory
Image Comics
No more asemic writing in the sky,
But plenty in the writings, buildings, brains
Of members of a new cult? This is why
I keep on reading Chew: it e'er contains
Such craziness, rewards attention to
Its details (like the Kool Aid!), and yet still
Can balance story arcs with small tales. Who
The leader is, we learn: don't cross her will.
Meanwhile our Tony's former mentor's own
Is diabolical, just like the man
Whom we find going nuts again, alone
And tripping on some case-blood. There's a man
Whom we can fear: a cyborg gourmand. Yet,
Whatever did he see? I cannot bet.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Script by David Hine
Illustrated by Shaky Kane
Image Comics
A tarot bubblegum card deck depicts
Cutscenes from yet another zombie tale.
Like '68, this one-shot gets its kicks
From setting it in Vietnam. The stale
Is quite intended; Hines and Kane have seized
The pulpy homage ground. Last time I liked
It better for the story arc, diseased
And trippy as it was. But now it's spiked
With too much digging in my ribs. The art
Is still a gas, but I really miss Steve,
His costume and the Men in Black. The cart
Is leading all the horses, I believe
This time around. Don't get me wrong' it's fun,
Just not as good as other stuff they've done.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
![]() |
Script by: China Mieville
Illustrated by: Mateus Santolouco
DC Comics
When China writes, Baroque grotesquerie
Is sure to manifest. I do not know
The series this reboots, but here I see
He's well-matched with an artist! I could go
Quite mad just looking at these layouts. Here
We have Boy Chimney, spindly-limbed, verbose
And crazy; later, robbing all of cheer,
An emo hero, Captain Lachrymose!
Your tears just make him strong! Ideas abound
As this phone booth transforms its users and
Mieville's warped constructions come to life.
The story's thin so far, but my demand
Is whetted nonetheless. A hero's strife
Is not my thing, but sometimes a girl must
Let prejudice be ground into the dust.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Written & Illustrated by Matt Kindt
Dark Horse Originals
An idea just as creepy as it sounds
But kept here to the edges, shadows, bent
Around our vision's corners, out of bounds
A sometime bureau called Mind Management
Is probably behind Miss Meru's tale
Of chasing down survivors of a flight
Struck by amnesia, one missing male
By name of Henry Lyme, he who just might
Be a rogue agent of that agency
Manipulating thoughts, perceptions, and
Reality. I'm so on board to see
Where all this goes, my brains have turned to sand.
Just tell me when the next one's out. I'll buy.
Matt Kindt has dazzled me. Yes, he's my guy.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Casanova: Avaritia I
Script by Matt Fraction
Art by Gabriel Ba
Marvel Icon
God damn it, I think I just went insane.
I feel that way each time I enter this
Deranging journey through brane after brane.
Will Casanova kill or will he kiss
The woman in the buggy/carplane seat?
And will he ever manage to repair
The damage caused by his abduction? Neat!
Insanity? O brother, can you spare
A neuron? Because mine have all blown out.
One page has sixteen universes. Yes.
Collect them all, then pause, and then just shout
"O Fraction, Ba, this is one great hot mess!"
"When did all this turn out to be my fault?"
I'm glad I have this crazy for my vault.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Revival #1
Revival #1
Script by Tim Seely
Illustrated by Mike Norton
Image Comics
Farm noir, they say? So what's that even mean?
I'll tell you what. It's creepy on a scale
Both intimate and cosmic. There's a scene
Wherein a zombie grandma turns to flail
And kills with just a scythe sweep, doesn't care
Because her teeth keep growing back and she
Must yank them out, because she cannot bear
To be without her dentures. Which means we
Have not seen zombie horror quite like this.
The undead all remember, can still speak
And feel unholy. Meanwhile their small town
Is quarantined (but gorgeous!). Where it's weak
Is exposition dialogue. I frown
On this unsubtlety in what should be
The greatest zombie comic we may see.
Rich Johnston's Captain American Idol #1
Script by Rich Johnston
Illustrated by Chris Haley
Boom! Studios
I've never watched the show or read the books
This comic skewers, but that matters not.
In broad, cartoonish art that really looks
Just right for looniness like this, it's got
A gimmicky and foolish charm. We start
With Steve, stars in his eyes, skinny and small,
Obeying prompts of patriotic heart
To join the USO and give his all
In World War II. He first must be a hit
On radio reality, though, so
He's put on Gordon Ramsay's wicked spit
(Don't ask) in preparation for the show.
He kills it, but then for his grand encore
Must rescue all the soldiers he sang for?
Monday, August 13, 2012
Frankenstein, Alive, Alive! #1
Script by Steve Niles
Illustrated by Bernie Wrightson
IDW Comics
O Wrightson! More than anyone, you bring
Belief this Monster's made from dead men's flesh.
A noseless face, a tireless pace, this thing
Indicts all his creators now afresh
From his place in a circus sideshow, as
He flashes back to life after the man
Who made him quite disowned him. No one has
A conscience who creates, it seems, no plan,
Then frightened by autonomy, and yet:
Just look into those heavy-lidded eyes.
The years have brought compassion, I would bet,
As I'd expect when scripted by Steve Niles.
Whatever. I just I want to know how he
Survived volcano's fires to bring me glee!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Script by Brian Clevinger
Illustrated by Scott Wegna
Red5 Comics
If you're still griping that there's only one
Film of our hero Buckaroo Banzai,
You owe it to yourself to have some fun
Like watching our Atomic Robo fly
Up into space to save some astronauts
While on the ground his team works hard to find
A bit of Bletchley Park. Now one's first thoughts
Might be: this is disjointed. Free your mind.
Pulp logic is its own reward: your brain
Should be a toy as well as tool. What's more
Where else can robot genius explain
What's up with Apple? Insights by the score!
Well, one or two. Just read it. You'll be glad
That Clevinger and Wegna have gone mad.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
John Layman & Rob Guillory's CHEW: SECRET AGENT POYO
Script by John Layman
Illustrated by Rob Guillory
Image Comics
Oh lord, bionic roosters! But if there's
A rooster worth preserving, that would be
The King of Cocks himself, whose very stares
Send armies crying to their mommas. He
Was busy taking over Hell when they
(The government) called him back for to serve
The national interest. Shall they rue the day?
But only Poyo, rage and hate and nerve
Can deal with poor Old Blighty's rain of sheep
(And terror)! How they must have laughed, this pair,
Guillory, Layman. We must surely keep
The pressure on for more of this. I'll share
This with you: I'll be counting all the days
'Til Deep Space Poyo hits the stands. Always!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Ted McKeever's MONDO #1
Created, Written and Illustrated by Ted McKeever
Image Comics
McKeever fangirl, I drop all to get
Each book the master cares e'er to produce.
For weirdass comics, he's your safest bet.
But this may be the strangest e'er to sluice
From his demented brain: a humble man,
A psycho chicken, a reactor core
(The radiation, when it works to plan,
Makes poultry supersized) add up to more
Mutated fun than I can here describe,
And I've not gotten to the damsel, who,
Pneumatic death on roller skates, shall be
The foil or foe of Chicken-Man. Cuckoo?
Why yes, all done in Ted's signature style.
I've caught his madness; all I do is smile.
Sonneteer's note: I got the chance to interview Ted McKeever for Indie Pulp last year. Go check out the results!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Scott Sigler & Chad Minshew's INFECTED #1
Original novel by Scott Sigler
Script by Scott Sigler & Chad Minshew
Art & Cover by Chad Minshew
Blue triangles have haunted me before
They're subtle in this debut issue, though,
Subdued like all the colors. I adore
The tangramatic panels when doth blow
An early victim's house (by his design).
The characters look great, especially
The Dawson, just like he was in my mind.
One thing I didn't like too much to see
Was lots of caption exposition, which
This publisher allows too much. It's not
Real necessary either, is the bitch
The art conveys what's going on just fine
We don't need all the novel, line by line.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Gilbert Hernandez' FATIMA #1
Written & Illustrated by Gilbert Hernandez
Dark Horse Comics
What shambling metaphors these zombies are,
Such mindless need. But hey, that could be us.
So says that brightly shining comics star
Of all that wondrous Love & Rockets fuss.
This time a drug's responsible, addicts
Then kills and zombifies the taker, woes!
It's up to one tall supermodel chick
With perfect aim in that spine-spapping pose
To hunt them down, I guess? Though, to be fair
Small bands of Just Say No types roam the streets
A-trashing those for whom they just don't care --
Who cares? They're prob'ly zombies. Watch the feats
Of narcs in string bikinis and of our
Fatima show the meaning of girl pow'r.
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